About Us

Welcome to Varsity Rags, the premier online destination for sports apparel enthusiasts seeking the epitome of athletic fashion. Our carefully curated selection of sports apparel encompasses a diverse array of styles, designed to cater to every sports aficionado, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your athletic journey. Our motto, "Up your game," encapsulates the spirit of continuous improvement and the drive to achieve perfection, echoing the sentiments of legendary sports figures. As Vince Lombardi once said, "Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence." At Varsity Rags, we embrace this ethos, striving to provide sports apparel that empowers athletes to pursue their best, inching closer to that elusive perfection. The significance of the year 1972, representing the only perfect football season in history, serves as a timeless reminder of the extraordinary achievements that are possible with dedication, teamwork, and unwavering focus. Join us at Varsity Rags in celebrating the pursuit of perfection in sports and elevate your game with our carefully selected, high-quality apparel. Explore our offerings, because in the words of Aristotle, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Let Varsity Rags help you cultivate that habit and achieve excellence in your athletic endeavors.